Thursday 6 October 2011

The difficulty that is the ungrateful patient

Let me set the scene. Clinic on a Wednesday PM shift, full list and unlike other days every one of my patients decided to show up, thankfully on time. My last patient is one that does not seem to feel better before, during or after treatment but nevertheless will come back to endure another 40 minutes of treatment which the patient describes as 'pokey' amongst other adjectives. Needless to say I was not looking forward to this patient at the end of the day.

I also had two first year students observing me so I had to not only be on my best behaviour but also so some level of professionalism.

The patient presented with bilateral thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms and seemed to fluctuate between having good days and bad days.

As a student osteopath I feel I need constructive criticism in order to further improve myself as a practitioner, so I can be the best osteopath I can be. But when a patient generally has nothing positive to give you, you start to question yourself and your abilities.

I don't think I am the finished product of a well rounded BSO student, as I have another 8 months to go before I finally qualify. But I definitely think I am better than what this patient perceives me to be! And the full list must mean I am doing something right with my patients (unless you look at it in a negative perspective that they keep coming back because they never get better...).

Having said all of that the patient actually felt better and thanked me for the treatment! Was a great way to end a very long afternoon. And the first years seemed to be impressed too so it was a win-win situation.

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