Monday 17 October 2011

Apparently I am good at what I do...

With the permission of a fellow 2nd year BSO Student...

[18:57:45] Emily Stern: just an ego boost for you..random as it is, but i have been hearing ur name being banded around the place a lot lately with students singing ur praise
[18:57:49] Emily Stern: good work!
[18:58:21] Tamir Grant: who have you been talking to?
[18:58:24] Tamir Grant: thats nice!
[18:58:39] Emily Stern: nah, ur name literally just keeps popping up...i think the technical term is...'arghhhhh, he's shit hot... ppl who've seen u, shadowed u

Always nice knowing people have good things to say about you behind your back!

Additionally I was given some good feedback by another student - see scrap of paper attached below!

One Monday morning we carried out an exercises where we all would write something positive about our fellow clinic team mates as we were drawing close to CCA's, this is what was said about me collectively:

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