Thursday 10 May 2012

Nutrition and osteopathy

I had a very productive talk with a fellow student who is studying nutrition. I explained to her how I was looking to improve my knowledge of how nutrition is linked with osteopathy. She gave me a great link on recipes and the medicinal properties included in these meals

I have yet to fully investigate this but from what I have seen so far it seems very interesting and could be a great help to patients with inflammatory processes going on.
Inflammation is a common cause of symptoms presented in the clinic. My tutor at BSO clinic Mike Stewart continuously mentions how low grade inflammation can be a maintaining factor for the patients symptoms. Therefore with more knowledge on how to decrease inflammation, especially through nutrition (something Mike Stewart is also keen about), then this would result in a better outcome for my patients and their symptoms.

Mike Stewart presented a slide show during a tutorial on inflammation and its underlying effect on the prevention of full recovery for patients. This linked in nicely to my knew knowledge and research into how nutrition can affect inflammation and possibly reduce the effects of inflammation.

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