Wednesday 9 May 2012

My Contract

These are the goals I was aiming to achieve over the past year as a final year student in osteopathy:

Pre-professional learning goals
Activities and methods
Assessment / Evaluation
Applying techniques learnt in functional technique in my treatment to patients in clinic
Attending elective class, practicing with peers, and applying when appropriate the techniques to patients

Continuation sheets highlighting specific techniques, feedback from peers, clinic tutors, blog
Feedback from patients to see if these treatments are more or less effective and self reflection. Feedback clinic assessments, CCA’s, New Patient Clinic, OSPE’s
Applying techniques learnt in obstetrics and osteopathy in my treatment to patients in clinic
Attending elective class, practicing with peers, and applying when appropriate the techniques to patients
Continuation sheets highlighting specific techniques, feedback from peers, clinic tutors, blog
Feedback from patients to see if these treatments are more or less effective and self reflection. Feedback clinic assessments, CCA’s, New Patient Clinic, OSPE’s
Applying techniques learnt in IMS in my treatment to patients in clinic
Attending elective class, practicing with peers, and applying when appropriate the techniques to patients
Continuation sheets highlighting specific techniques, feedback from peers, clinic tutors, blog
Feedback from patients to see if these treatments are more or less effective and self reflection. Feedback clinic assessments, CCA’s, New Patient Clinic, OSPE’s

Sport specific osteopathy, rehabilitation
Attend sport specialist osteopathic clinics
Letter signed by osteopath proving my attendance, blog
Apply to patients involved in sport and see their response and recovery from injury via my treatment
Improve my knowledge of gait mechanics
Attend relevant Manus lectures, read relevant books, discuss with tutors
Blog, obtain signed document showing discussions have taken place
Apply this to patients, see if I can assess their gait and possibly improve my patients gait
Improve my knowledge of nutrition and osteopathy
Attend relevant Manus lectures, courses, read relevant books
Blog, obtain signed document showing discussions have taken place
Apply this to my patients, try and improve their diet, be able to give advice on what to eat to improve their overall health
Get a better understanding into Yoga and Pilates
Attend yoga/pilates classes, talk to instructors
Blog, obtain signed document showing discussions have taken place
Enable to advice patients on whether to go to yoga/pilates, which mode of yoga/pilates is best for them, what to expect at these classes

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