Tuesday 27 September 2011

My first taste of the electives

Chose Functional technique and Osteopathy and Obstetrics which I am partaking in for this Autumn term and already they have had an effect on my technique when treating patients. We learnt to percuss (tapping?!) the vertebrae to detect a difference in tissue response, and found myself doing that the very next time I was in clinic. Obstetrics also left its mark, opening my mind to the many ways to treat patients rather than just on their back, front or sidelying. Using the 8 finger soft tissue technique too which my patients seem to respond well to. Looking forward to seeing what else will be taught!

East Street Clinic 23/09/11

Good half day in ESC. Saw two interesting patients, one was a 1500m runner who unfortunately was attacked and has since been experiencing pain in her left knee and left shoulder. The other is a semi professional footballer who pulled his hamstring. Working with people like this has further pushed me to realise how much I would love to work with sports personel and athletes.